Monday, August 9, 2010

Aug 9th

It looks like the wave of overtime is almost over. Tomorrow is my last day until some of the new people quits. The boss hired a bunch of people and threw them into the shifts everyone quit from and I have a normal looking schedule. That was much quicker than I anticipated. That’s all right though it’s time for a weekend off. I finished chapter 20 yesterday and even started chapter 21. I might get a little of the Great Detective today. We’ll see.
There isn’t a Rockies game today, so the only update on that front is that we’re sitting at 58 – 53. That puts us six games out of first and five out of second. We’re only half a game over the Dodgers, so we need to slap down some wins here pretty quickly.
Well, now I’m going to be freaked out all day long. I was sitting here at the community desk typing away when a large bug just ran across my leg. It was about half an inch long and it was black with big long feelers. I jumped up and swiped it off of my leg, but I didn’t see where it landed. I’m not squeamish about bugs or anything, but it could be anywhere. I’ve already brushed myself off twice now, and it feels like I need to go take another shower. It wouldn’t be so bad if I could find the bug and squish it.
All right, still thinking about the bug. Nothing really happened at home. I wasn’t able to take my daughter to the DMV today, but I’ll make it up to her sometime this week since there isn’t any more overtime. Ok, now the fan fell from the counter. I couldn’t have been the bug. I’m sure it just vibrated off, but I had to look. I didn’t find anything, not even any little bug footprints. I think I’m going to have to move things around to see if I can find it. So, that’ll be all for today.

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