Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dec 07

Well, not much happened today. I had to stay over at work for an extra four hours. There was a big inspection and my boss wanted to have extra people just in case. So, I stayed. The thing was that he wanted me to be available and not do any of the regular work. Since nothing happened, it was a pretty long and boring four hours. But, they’re paying me for it so I can’t complain.
There was something good that came out of it. Since I didn’t get to sleep until after eleven, I slept until nearly seven. During that time, my wife and girls went to do laundry. So, I skated out of that for another week.
With the long day, I finished chapter 10 and 11 last night. So, I’m going to work on chapter 12 today. But, I did a dumb thing. I brought the last Harry Potter audio book to work. I keep telling myself that I’m just going to listen to it for maybe an hour a night at the end of the day. That way, I can work on what I’m supposed to be doing. But, that didn’t work the last few times. I ended up putting everything on hold and listening to the whole thing. And, since I went to see the latest Potter movie, I kind of have it in my head. The movie was pretty good. It hit on most of the major points of the book, but I wished it would have only been one movie instead of two. I hate it when they do that. But, if they didn’t, they would have cut it to shreds like they did with most of the others.
Well, time to get to work. I’m putting in some Night Ranger, Queen, and Eagles into the playlist for background music. It should be a good night.

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