Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nov 23

I got an email from my sister. She works for Amazon.com so she’s working a lot of overtime like I am. Thanksgiving and Christmas are her super busy times. If she ever gets a day off, she’s going to buy a house. She fell into some money and even though she lives in Nevada, she didn’t win it at Vegas. She got it a few months ago. If it were me, I would have already spent it. But, she’s been able to hang on to it. I think she’s going to get it sometime after the first of the year. Hopefully, she’ll have it when she comes out to Denver for her daughter’s college graduation. But, that’ll mean that I’ll have to pack up the wife and kids and take a trip out to visit. I’m not sure how long she’s been in Nevada, at least ten years and I still haven’t gone out there. (Bad brother)
My granddaughter woke me up today. She likes doing that. Whenever she comes over, waking me up is the first thing she wants to do. So, we played with her dolls for a little while my wife took my youngest to the doctor. She’s been having some very severe headaches. They must have given her something good, because when they got back, she was looking much better. Then, we all went to the store. We were supposed to be shopping for groceries, but I was really scoping out the Christmas stuff. It looks like I have only another week and a half of ‘seven days a week’, and I’ll be able to do some real sneaking around for gifts then.
The baby wanted to be babied, and I was the right person for the job. But, she gets heavy after a while. So, I talked her into walking by showing her all of the toys she might get for Christmas. Since she wanted everything, I’m hoping I didn’t create a monster. There might be one or two of those presents under the tree, but Santa can’t afford all of them. She was particularly interested in a rocking horse that made horsie noises. That one might be in her future.
Like always, I was being very careful at the store. But, if they didn’t want me to spill my ice tea, they shouldn’t sell them inside the store. I made it all the way up to the register before I spilled it. Fortunately, it didn’t get all over me, but unfortunately, it did get all over the shoes of the person behind me. (When that lady woke up this morning, she should have realized that I was going to get to the register before her and I was going to be juggling all of the stuff we bought and the granddaughter. She should have stayed in bed)
I finished chapter 5 yesterday and I’m starting chapter 6 today. I’m putting in some Styx, ELO, and Chicago in the playlist for background music today and it’s time to get going.

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