Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oct 6

It’s amazing how a two and a half year old can spend hours digging mud up with a little stick and wiping it off on a tree. My granddaughter plays with all of the little kids in the apartment complex. I was watching her today and we were outside. The only little girl out there was a new one that I hadn’t seen before. She had a little stick and they just got to work. There are plenty of toys out there and even a small park just a little ways down. But, I guess the mud was much more interesting. When I asked them what they were doing, they said that they were looking for bugs. I thought that only little boys looked for bugs and frogs and snakes and stuff like that. But, apparently I’m already old fashioned. At least they were having fun. I should have brought a book to read. Actually, what I should have done was notice that she was wearing white clothes. I had to buy everyone dinner to get out of the dog house.
How about those Phillies? Yes, it was a no hitter. I know I’m a diehard Rockies fan, but I used to live next to the Phillies and they are my second team.
I finished chapter 43 yesterday and I am beginning 44 today. It is all coming together and it is almost finished. I can hardly wait.

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