Monday, March 28, 2011

Mar 28

All right, let’s get the bad news out of the way right up front. We lost to Seattle 6-7. We were all set to win, but Seattle pulled in two runs in the bottom of the ninth. Still, Taveras and Wigginton both had three hits and it was still a great game. I know this doesn’t matter because it is Spring Training, but even with the loss today, we are at the top of the standings with 20 wins and only 10 losses. The Giants also have twenty wins, but they have 12 losses. In the Grapefruit league, the Tigers and the Phillies each have twenty wins, but they both have thirteen losses. So, we are at the top of the heap with only two more games. Then, we have great news and not so great news. The great news is that Opening Day is this Friday, only four days away. The not so great news is that I must have blocked the fact that Opening Day was on Friday. I have to work on Friday during the day. So, I won’t be able to watch it live, but I am going to record it and watch it after I get off work. I’m pretty sure that there is no chance in the world that I won’t know the score before I get a chance to watch it. But that’s ok. I’ll pretend I don’t know what’s coming.
I had a big weekend. My wife took her parents to visit her brother, so I had the whole house to myself and didn’t even get up until about ten o’clock. (Yeah, I’m that lazy) I caught up on a bunch of the TV recordings I’ve been neglecting. I even watched the movie I borrowed. It was Red, with Bruce Willis. It was pretty good, a lot of action. On Sunday, (Getting back to baseball) they televised one of the Rockies games. They played two at the same time. So, half of the club was playing one game and the other half was across town playing the other. The one I watched was great. We won both. The best part, was that we were having a barbeque on Sunday and I didn’t have to do anything for it until after the game was over. I got to see the whole thing. The kids actually took control of the grill. My biggest contribution was playing airplane with my granddaughter. I was swinging her all over the place while she tried to grab things off of the shelf.
The kids are on Spring Break this week, so they are going to help with the babysitting while my son and his girlfriend go job hunting. They’re looking to move and they need more stable incomes, especially because the landlord at their current apartment found out that they have a dog. They didn’t have the money to pay the pet deposit, so Canela came to stay with us. The plan was for me to take my wife to work today so that we could leave one of the cars for the girls to use. But, of course, there is a noise in the engine of my car. It was pretty gnarly, so we decided to put it into the shop. Usually, I go visit my mom on Mondays, but I needed to drop off the girls and stuff. To top off the mechanical problems, it was snowing. All that white stuff is supposed to be gone. It’s Spring. The news even said that there might be some more snow in our future. That’s not good. Well, it might be. We’ve only had about half of the usual snowfall for this year. That will probably mean a water shortage later on in the year. But, what that really means is that I’m going to have to drive in it.
With only one car, I got some chores done, the big one was moving a bed. The kids borrowed one of ours because my granddaughter wants her own bed. She’s three and it’s about time for her to be sleeping on her own bed. I remember when our kids were little. They would always end up in our bed. And my granddaughter is a wild sleeper. She is all over the place when she sleeps, and she kicks all of the blankets to the floor. She doesn’t like having anything cover her while she sleeps. My wife is constantly covering her and I watch as she kicks them right back off.
Well, I received a huge project at work, so I wasn’t able to get too much done. I am going to finish chapter one today if I have to stay late to do it. (That was an empty threat. I have to get off on time to give the car to my wife so she can get to work on time.) So, I’m putting Quiet Riot, Twisted Sister, and Dokken in the playlist tonight to get everything going.

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