Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dec 28

This isn’t the way I usually start this, but everyone has to go to Subway to get a breakfast sandwich. Either I’m tired of McDonalds or Burger king or whatever, but when I dropped off my wife at work today, we stopped off at a new Subway that opened up near her building. I didn’t even know they had breakfast sandwiches or were open that early. But, we went in and I was looking over their breakfast menu. There wasn’t a lot of stuff, so I ordered one with turkey, ham, and bacon on wheat. My wife got the same thing but on flatbread. I assumed flatbread was going to be a tortilla. It wasn’t. It was more like a Panini. Well, they put them in the same bag and when we split them up so that she could go to work and I could go home, we mixed them up. I have to tell you, that flat bread sandwich was the best breakfast sandwich I have ever eaten. It’s ten thirty at night right now, and I’m still thinking about it. I might have to take my wife to work tomorrow instead of going to sleep just so that I can get another one. This time, I’ll get one with onions and southwest sauce on it. My wife had tomatoes and jalapenos. (Even when you scrape them off, you can still taste them. Still, the sandwich was incredible)
This is how I should have started the blog. My daughter signed the papers today to go into the Army. She officially belongs to the government now. If you’re familiar with Denver, you’ll appreciate this, if not, you can just skip ahead. We live within the city limits of Denver. But, we used to live up north in Thornton. And, I used to pass a recruiting station every day when going back and forth to work. So, I was very familiar with where it was. So, when my daughter told me she wanted to go into the military, we went there instead of trying to find somewhere closer. So, to get to her physical, she went up there. They then bussed her down south into the tech center which is about an hour away by car. She spent the night there in a motel where they gathered everyone from around the state that was enlisting. Then, in the morning, they bussed everyone into downtown Denver to take their physical, sign their papers, and swear them in. The MEPS center is less than five minutes from our house. She could have just walked there and saved everyone the trouble.
My eldest daughter is very excited about going in and I’m very very proud of her. She’s going to start as an E3 because of her JROTC experience. She’s going to Ft. Jackson North Carolina for boot camp and then Ft. Jackson Georgia for her MOS training. She also has her reserve duty station here in Denver after that. While she’s finishing high school, she can report to her duty station and work there whenever she wants and get paid for it. She’s already got enough credits to graduate, but she wants to finish out the school year so she can attend her prom and military ball.
I found out that the new company that I work for might not be living up to all of their promises. There have been many things so far, but the most important is vacations. They sent us a handbook out and said that instead of giving vacations, they were only going to give a $200 anniversary bonus. That really sucks. I’m going to need a vacation to go see my daughter’s boot camp graduation and to take my wife on out 20th year anniversary. The boss is looking into it for us. It had better be good news.
Well, I better get started at work. Until tomorrow

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