Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dec 09

The new company that bought the contract at work isn’t instilling much confidence. Their pay period didn’t line up with our old company, so today was our first payday and it only covered two days. Well, they managed to mess that up. Most people didn’t get their correct pay rates and several others didn’t get a check. I didn’t get a check stub so I don’t know for sure if I got paid correctly or not. The money seemed pretty low, but they might have taken out the first installation of insurance. So, I’m going to have to wait until tomorrow when the stub comes in the mail to find out what’s going on with me. Of course with everything that was going on, my boss felt it necessary to wake me up again in the middle of the day. That’s two days in a row. I’m never going to get a full day’s sleep.
I brought my eldest down to the army recruiter. Everything went really well except for her weight to height ratio. She’s only 4’9” so she is really close to the cutoff and she needs to lose 6 pounds before the 20th when she goes in to take the job placement test. On the other hand, she took the pretest just to see where she’s standing and she received a 42. The recruiter said that the average score is 31. So, she should be qualified for the jobs she’s looking for. (Psychology and engineering) My wife went with us and she had a good time. The recruiter showed her a table of army stuff and told her to take what she wanted. Well, she came away from there with a huge bag of stuff. I wasn’t paying too much attention when we got home, but there were at least eight or ten shirts and some ball caps and knickknacks.
I didn’t get anything done on chapter 13 yesterday, so I’m definitely going to get it done today. And, speaking of which, I better get going.

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