Thursday, August 26, 2010

Aug 26

We’re all holding our breath. Yesterday, the Rockies made a spectacular comeback from 10-1 at the bottom of the third inning to a 10-12 win over the Braves. Not only did we sweep Atlanta, but that increased our winning streak to 4. Yeah, yeah, I know that doesn’t sound like a lot to some of you out there, but it’s a notable improvement from nearly a month of win one lose one games. But, the absolute best part of the game wasn’t the score or the comeback. It was the fact that I spent the day with my granddaughter. She is two and a half and she knows all of the regular players on the team. When we were watching, she was sitting on my lap and helping me call strikes against the other team. When our team was up, we played a game where we would rock from side to side singing the player’s name and whether they got a single, double, triple, or a home run. Then, when she least expected it, I would change the words to say “Grandpa gets to tickle Tecia.” Then, I would tickle her and we would start over until someone else got a hit. We also ate chocolate covered raisins and drank orange Gatorade when we were supposed to make sandwiches. (Nobody knows about that yet) Now, we’re holding our breath, because whenever we have a day off, like today, the team has been forgetting how to pitch and bat and we end up losing. So, if we’re going to have a shot at the wild card, or dare I saw take the National League West, we need to come back and really trounce the Dodgers. Then, we play the giants right after that. We’re only five games down from them. If we take all three, we’re going to be in spitting distance. I don’t want to get my hopes up, but it’s a little too late for that.
Speaking of sports, my wife got me tickets to the Broncos game against San Diego for my birthday. I know what you’re thinking. It’s not my birthday yet. But, her job was selling tickets buy one get one free. So, she got me a set and said to not expect anything on my birthday. She tried to get the game against the Colts. It’s a sooner game. But, the people in her office made a mistake. They deducted the price out of her check and gave the tickets to someone else. To make it up, they gave her the ones against the Chargers. They asked if she wanted them to hold them for her or mail them out with her check stub. Of course she took them now. If not, they would have probably sold them to someone else and charge my wife again. You know how the people in the office are. But, I got them in the mail today. (Yes, I open her mail) and I have them in my greedy little hands.
The girls are doing well in school. My oldest is having trouble with her Spanish class and my youngest is having trouble with her calculus class. Since I can’t do either, I can’t mess them up even further by trying to help. But, my wife can read/write/speak Spanish and my oldest is a math whiz. So, everyone is being helped. They brought home a plaque with their ROTC medals and a picture of them from camp on them. They looked really sharp. I asked my oldest if she is still planning on going into the Air Force. She’s still considering it, but she might be wavering. She still has the whole year to figure out what she wants, so I’m not pushing even though she could get her whole college paid for. (Keeping my fingers crossed) My son, daughter-in-law, and my granddaughter are still planning on moving out and getting their own place in October. It will be really good for them. She’s working at a Subway now and he’s still looking for a job. I heard that average people are out of work for seven months before finding a new job. It’s been longer than that for him, but I’ve been seeing a lot more ‘Now Hiring’ signs. I’m sure it will work out.
I finished chapter 26 yesterday and started chapter 27. But, my mind wasn’t into it. I think I’m going to have to review what I wrote and change it up a little. I was thinking about some other stuff and just couldn’t focus. I’ll definitely go back and check to see if I didn’t mess anything up tonight. But, I think I’m going to work on chapter 18 of the Great Detective today. It popped into my head this morning and I want to get it down. I have the radio on in the background so I better get started.

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