O’Yeah!!!!! It looks like our losing streak is gone and the Rockies are back with gusto. We are now four games into a winning streak and the middle two were something to watch. Our first game against Cubs was a whopper. We made 12 runs in the 8th inning alone. We ended up winning 17 to 2. We set all kinds of club records and even an MLB record. Then, the next day, we were up for most of the game. The Cubs hit a three run knock to tie us. It was getting tense, but in the bottom of the ninth, Carlos Gonzales came up to the plate. On an 0 0 pitch, he knocked the cover off. It went into the second level to win the game. But, not only that, the home run completed the cycle. He had already hit a single, a double, and a triple earlier on in the game. It’s too bad they’re off on Monday. It’s only one day, but I’m already Jonesing for another game. Speaking of games, however, FOOTBALL is starting in just a week. I’m going to be in sports heaven. (Too bad my wife will probably divorce me for the season)
I managed to squeeze in a little time for the family today. All that overtime is wearing a little. But, what can I do, I have to take it while it’s available. We didn’t do anything but go to the grocery store and then out to eat. It was fun. We were talking about everything and laughing. Pretty soon, they’re all going to be gone. I’m going to miss them. (They’re not dying or anything, they’re just growing up) My son was talking to me about moving out. He’ll be 21 in October and his girlfriend and my granddaughter are at the moment living with us. They were going through school and getting their lives situated before getting a place of their own. But, it looks like that day is now just around the corner. My eldest daughter will also be leaving at the end of the school year. She’s going into the Air Force. That just leaves me, my wife and my youngest. Then, a year later we might be kid free. I don’t know what I’ll do then.
I got the proof for Grandpa’s Faerie. Of course I misspelled a word on the back cover and omitted several words. That’ll teach me to re type it with these big ham hands of mine. I should have cut and pasted. But, noooo. I had to type it. Oh well, I fixed everything and sent off for another proof. It will be available as soon as I approve the new proof. I’m currently working on chapter 13 of the Great Detective and chapter 16 on Kidnapped. It’ll be a while for either of them to be ready, but I’m shooting for them to be ready and available by Christmas. I’m going to work on Kidnapped today. I’m feeling a little nostalgic today, so I put in a bunch of 70’s (Sorry, no disco) and 80’s music on the playlist for background and I’m ready to go.
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