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It’s Monday again, and I have the worst news ever. I know you’re probably thinking that I’m talking about the Bronco loss. Well, they did lose and the lost big. The score was like 40 something to 10. It was embarrassing. We lost it in the first quarter and never recovered. At half time, the announcers were all saying that the only way for Denver to get back into the game was to have Tom Brady switch sides. Well, no one expected us to make it to the Super Bowl. Even though we lost Tim Tebow and the team took us to the playoffs and even won one. That hasn’t happened in like six or seven years. So, you have to give them credit. When the season started, no one thought we would make it through the entire 16 games much less go to the playoffs. So no, that wasn’t the worst news ever. The worst new ever was that the Patriots cheerleaders weren’t even wearing their bikini costumes. They were all dressed up like Eskimos. So, when the Broncos stopped producing, we didn’t even have the cheerleaders to pick up our spirits. That meant that we had to sit through nearly four hours of bad football without any distractions. But, there is good news on the horizon. Yes, you guessed it, Baseball season is almost here. It’s just around the corner. GO ROCKIES!!!
Back to football, no one won this weekend. I was voting for the Saints, Green Bay and of course the Broncos. I don’t even know if I’m going to watch the Super Bowl because no one I want to see is going to be there. But, I’ll force myself. Actually, we’re going to all go over to my brother’s house for the game. It’s officially a Super Bowl, Christmas, and my mom’s birthday party. We couldn’t get our schedules synced over Christmas, so we never got a chance to get together with my side of the family. So, we’re going to do it on the fifth. Since it is really close to my mom’s birthday, we’re going to throw that in and since it is on Super Bowl Sunday, we couldn’t leave that out. It should be fun. We’re going to have a gift exchange and eat tailgate party food, nachos, pigs in the blanket, chili, etc…
For some reason my wife was in a “She wants me to pick on her” kind of mood. So, I’ve been obliging her all week. I’ve had a lot of fun doing it, but she keeps getting mad at me. Maybe I’ve been in a “I want to pick on her” kind of mood. Naw, it has to be the other way around. So, I’ll continue until next week just to see how it goes.
My daughter stepped on my granddaughter’s belt the other day. I’m not sure what the official word for it is, but the little part that sticks in the hole to secure the belt stabbed her right in the bottom of her foot. It was nasty. So, my wife had to take her to the hospital. We cleaned it up pretty good, so all she really needed was a tetanus shot. I’m sure she was up to date on her shots, because kids have to be to be able to go to school, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. So, I’ll just call her gimpy for a while as she hobbles around. (I’m just that kind of dad)
I went looking for a 32g micro SD card for my tablet and found a few of them. One was for ninety dollars and the other one was for sixty. Most stores didn’t even carry 16g much less 32. But, when I saw the prices in the stores, both of the clerks told me to just go online and get them. They said that it would be half price. So, I checked out Amazon and they were right. I picked up one for $30. They wanted me to fill out an application for one of their credit cards. If I would have done it, I would have gotten a $30. credit so my total would have been .69 cents. I should have done it, but that would have meant that I would have had to go buy some more stuff. I can’t have a credit card that I don’t owe money to. It’s just indecent. So, I didn’t do it and I’m sure my paycheck will thank me.
While I was online, I renewed my driver’s license. It expired three months ago, so I’ve been a criminal for that long. I tried to tell my wife that I couldn’t drive to work because it was expired, but she said I had to go. So, if I get arrested, it’s all her fault. (She never lets me quit) But, renewing online was a breeze. There were no lines and I didn’t have to sit by that guy that always wants to talk to me. The only bad thing was that I usually bring a book with me so I can get in a few chapters while waiting for my number to be called. I tried opening my book while I was online, but it just went too quickly for me to even read a sentence. I almost didn’t renew it because I was looking at the parameters I had to qualify for before I could do it digitally and one of them was that my license couldn’t be expired. But, I went in anyway and it added a little addendum saying that it couldn’t be expired for more than 365 days. So, I was ok.
I usually go visit my mom on Mondays, but I had to leave early today. Before I left, I took her over to my brother’s house. She was teaching him how to make cherry pies and homemade pizza. I know they are very good from many past dinners. But, since I had to leave I didn’t even get a chance to taste anything. It sucks. To top it off, he was going to lend me some books to read and I forgot them. That sucks too.
Some new TV shows are starting this month. A few of them look pretty good. I’ve already set my DVD recorder to grab them and now that football is pretty much over because there aren’t any good teams left, I can watch them. I hope the shows live up to their commercials.
Well, I better get busy. The River of Magic won’t wait. I’m putting a bunch of one-hit-wonders in the playlist today along with a bunch of funny songs. It’s just that kind of day. So, I’ll see you next week.
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