Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19

This is my 200th blog posting and what could be a better way to start it off then by saying that COMCAST SUCKS!!! But, instead I’m going to put a link to my ebooks. They are on sale for half price if anyone wants to take a look at them. http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/ThomNichols
Yes, Comcast SUCKS!!! Unfortunately, I am a Comcast customer and I am only a Comcast customer because satellite service sucks just as bad and I don’t want to go through the hassle of switching. We had the worst time getting Comcast setup. I’m still having nightmares about it. So, about a year later, maybe a little less, I’m not sure about the timeline, our cable box starts to go out. It started with a single channel messing up. Sometimes it would freeze, most of the time the digital picture would be disrupted. Then, another channel would quit cooperating. Then, the shows we recorded on the Comcast DVR would freak out. Then the On Demand would stop working. All of this was over about a months time. So, we decided to call Comcast. They couldn’t fix it over the phone. They said that it was a problem with the box and they would be happy to come out and fix their equipment for a fifty dollar service call. What we should have done was cancel it right there and maybe they would have came out and fixed their stuff for free. But, to avoid the fee, we told them we would bring the box in and exchange it. When we got to the cable office, there was a line out the door. (I guess their crap breaks down a lot) We get about half way into the building when their power flickers. We only had to wait an additional twenty minutes for their stuff to reboot and come online again. (It gave them a nice little break, but we weren’t getting out of line. I wasn’t going to go through that twice.) When we got to the counter, they tried to get us to buy extra channels so they could pad their bills. Then, they gave us this number we were to call so that we could activate the box after we installed it. It took my wife six times to work her way through the automated phone tree. When she was finally able to speak to someone, they were incompetent. They didn’t know what to do. My wife gave them the number we got from the office, but whatever they did didn’t help. They continually said that it wasn’t connected correctly. (Believe me, after paying for cable for as long as I have, you become an expert on cabling.) It wasn’t connected incorrectly. A few more calls and my wife spoke to someone that knew what they were doing. She gave them the numbers again and the cable came right on. I think Comcast needs to practice what their commercials preach and start training their people. It’s too bad there isn’t another option out there besides cable or satellite.
Enough complaining. The Rockies spanked the Braves today. It was 12-2 at the end of the night. I had tickets to go see the game today. (Good tickets, five rows above the Rockies dugout) But, I also had to work tonight, and it was raining a few hours before game time. I was still going to go, but with the rain delay and parking, I would have only been able to see about an hour of it. So, my wife and my daughter took the tickets and seemed to have a great time. I didn’t see them on TV, but they sent me several pictures from their phones. The Braves had swept us when we played in their stadium, and they took the first game of this series. But, the Rockies had their number tonight. Our pitching was great. Our batting was great. Everything just clicked. It stopped raining before the game started and would have been a great day. Let’s hope the rest of the series goes like it went today. We need some good solid wins under our belt to take up back over five hundred.
On the Army Facebook page, it said that there were five expert shots at the qualification range today from my daughter’s company. They listed them and there was one person listed which is probably her, but the name is misspelled. I am sure it is her. Hopefully we’ll know for sure tomorrow. They posted a bunch of pictures of a different company that had qualified the day before. So, they should show the expert shots from C Company and we’ll know for sure. And, we’ll have a good shot of her. The only picture we’ve found of her so far was in the background of a guy puking after getting out of the gas chamber.
Well, that’s about enough for today. I’m putting some Ratt, Tesla, White Lion, Dokken, and Poison in the playlist for background music. I’m going to work a little bit on the River of Magic today and the Great Detective Sequel.

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