Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feb 09

It’s been a few days since I updated my blog. I’ve been really busy with work. Not only have I been working the regular overtime, I’ve been working extra overtime. We’re still short at work, but coupling that with the snow and sub zero temps, it makes for a lot of people not showing up for work. And, I’m the one that always seems to be working right before them so I have to hold over. Well, it should be coming to an end. They hired someone to get us off of seven days a week on the graveyard shift. But, the guy still has to go get his license and then go through his four days training. Then, he’s going to be out of town for a week. I’m not sure why the bosses upstairs agreed to that, but that’s why I’m not in charge. Anyway, I should have a day off in March. It’s kind of sad to go through two full months and be able to say “I’ve only had one day off this year.”
I haven’t been doing too much of anything besides work except for Farmville. I spend way too much time on the computer playing that game. I think I’m going to have to give it a break pretty soon. I figured that I would take a week or so off before I started my new book. But, ideas have been shooting through my head and I might have to start today. The only problem is that the ideas are not for the one I’m supposed to write next. So, I might have to bump Sabertooth up the line two slots and start working on it. We’ll see how it goes tonight. I’m only going to play Farmville for an hour and then I’m going to get started. We’ll see which one comes out.
It was -1 degree when I left work this morning. It didn’t snow again today, but it was still cold when I woke up. I was supposed to take my daughter to Army training at two thirty, but the new car wouldn’t start. The battery they gave us at the dealership was a small one and not very reliable. So, she didn’t go and we’re going to have to get a new battery for it. But, since we couldn’t go, I took it as a sign that I shouldn’t do anything today. So, when my wife got home from work, I gathered the kids and told them that I would buy if someone else would fly. That kicked off a huge discussion with my granddaughter because grandma and her aunties didn’t have wings and couldn’t fly. We ended up getting Wendys and my daughter flew.
My son has a job interview tomorrow at Excel, so the baby is spending the night over at our house today. I hope he gets the job. He really needs it. They are doing pretty good, but I don’t get to see them as much as I do my granddaughter. It’s usually just a quick hi and bye when I drop the baby off at night before work. But, I haven’t heard anything bad, so that’s good.
I’m just putting the radio on tonight instead of making a playlist. It’s not because it’s just one of those days. It’s because the radio has been exceptionally good tonight. If you asked me what they have played, I probably couldn’t tell you, but I haven’t heard a bad song yet.

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