Well, the Broncos winning streak only lasted one game. We lost today 35 to 14. When they came out, on our first drive, we took it down the field easily and scored. After that, I thought that it was going to be a good game. But, no, after that, it was all San Diego. The only good thing that happened during the game was when my granddaughter came over so we could play. I didn’t get to see her this weekend and she was in one of her mischievous moods. I don’t think she was trying to get in trouble, I think she was just seeing how far she could push us. And, as it turned out, she could push me very far. I always let her get away with everything. I’m just that kind of softy.
I’m still working all kinds of overtime, so I haven’t had a chance to go see my mom for a long time. But today, I had to go out to that area to get my new uniforms for the new company. She wasn’t expecting to see me and it was a nice surprise. I spent a few hours out there and then went to my new company when they opened. It took a while because they couldn’t find my stuff. They had a minor accident and all of the uniforms fell from the racks. Yep, it was a mess in there. But, everything worked out. Of course, I couldn’t fall asleep after I got home. I’m used to sleeping at about seven or eight and then waking up when the wife gets off of work and the kids get out of school at three or three thirty. Then, we have the rest of the afternoon/evening to do whatever. Since I couldn’t sleep, I stayed in bed until almost six. But, there might have been ulterior motives. My wife was doing laundry and laundry is pretty much the worst chore in the world. I would even rather wash dishes than do laundry. So, I accidentally slept through it, shucks.
Speaking of lazy, I didn’t do anything on Cutie Pie, Baby Pie over the weekend. I had planned on getting a bunch done, but I started listening to that Harry Potter audio book and it’s over twenty five hours long. So, it took all weekend and I didn’t do anything. I’m going to start chapter 4 today. And, since I didn’t bring book six in, like I was planning on doing, I should get some solid work in.
I did manage to get the first little bit of my Christmas shopping done. It was only a few stocking stuffers, but it was still Christmas shopping. I can’t wait until the weekend of the 4th. That should be my first day off in over a month and I’ll be able to get a lot done. My editor still hasn’t sent back anything from either Kidnapped or the Great Detective, so it’s going to be close getting them self published and wrapped up with the others to give out as presents. But, if I can get them back by this weekend, I should be able to squeeze them in. And, after speaking with her, it looks like they should be ready by then.
Time to put on some music in the playlist and get going. I think I’m going to put in a bunch of Pink Floyd and have a Floyd night.
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