Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oct 21

We had a meeting today to get to know the people taking over the company I work for. It looks like we will be getting better insurance and some bonus opportunities. It sounds good. There might even be a raise. That would be even better. The best thing is that they provided cookies. I had two, a sugar cookie and a cinnamon cookie. I didn’t eat them there, I took them home to eat later. But, I had to pick up the wife and kids first. They wanted to go out to eat, so I was thinking about them the whole time we were at the restaurant. Then, when I got home, I was too full to eat them. So, I planned on taking them to work. But, my wife’s sister’s birthday is today. So, she invited her and her kids and her parents over to have cake and ice cream. We sang happy birthday and everyone sat around and talked. (Of course I had the Phillies/Giants game on in the background.) But, in all the hubbub I forgot about my cookies. I planned to take them with me to work. Now, I’m at work with no cookies. Actually, I’m not even sure where my wife put my cookies. Even worse, with all of the kids that came over, I’m not even sure if my cookies are even there anymore. One of the kids might have eaten them. I want to call and ask my wife what happened to them, but if I do that, one of the girls might hear and they might find my cookies if they are still there and have a midnight snack. So, I am going to have to sweat it out here at work dreaming about them until I can get home and check on them.
The Phillies beat the Giants today. That means that they are going to have to play another game. I should be a Phillies fan. I used to watch them when I lived out in New Jersey. But, for some reason, while watching the game today I found myself supporting the Giants. Too bad the Rockies couldn’t be out there instead.
I’m about three quarters through with the re-read. I’ll be sending it off to the editor this next week. Then, it’s time to finish the Great Detective. I’m putting some Kick Axe, Twisted Sister, White Lion, and Metallica on the playlist tonight, so it’s time to get going.

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